When registering, runners must provide the following information: Full name, gender, year of birth or social security number, nationality, email address and phone number.
Information in case of emergency: contact person, phone number of the contact person, blood type, drug allergies.
The minimum age for the 28km and the 55km race is 18 years (The ones born in 2003 or earlier are allowed to take part). Younger runners can take part with a specific permission from parents/legal guardians (a permission form will be sent to parents/legal guardians if requested).
The registration fee is charged in single payment when registering for the race.
The Right to Participate
Registrations can not be transferred to next year’s race. A race entry can not be sold to another runner. Change of names on race entries can be done until 14 days before the race. Registered participants are responsible for safeguarding their bib number and other items included in the race package. Runners with bib numbers not assigned to them by Súlur Vertical are not valid participants.
The registration fee can be fully refunded if requested before June 1. From June 1 until July 1, 50% of the registration fee can be refunded.
If organisers have to cancel the race with short notice due to natural disasters, severe weather conditions, pandemic or other unforeseeable circumstances, the registration fee will be fully refunded for those who wish so.
Timing and final results
Automatic timing devices with chips will be used in Súlur Vertical. Additionally, video tape equipment will be used by the finish line. Gun time determines the overall results for the first three men and women. However, chip time will be used for the official results published.
Environmental protection
It is strictly forbidden to throw away any kind of litter on the course and all human waste needs to be disposed of in toilets provided.
Participants need to bring their own drinking cups or bottles to use at the drinking stations as no disposable cups will be provided.
Rules regarding the safety of participants
Participants need to ensure that they are physically and emotionally fit and have prepared and trained sufficiently for the distance they have registered for.
Participants must wear their bib numbers clearly visible on the front of their running attire.
Participants who are unable to finish the race due to illness or injuries, are required to report themselves to members of race staff.
Organisers’ rights
Organisers are not responsible for any external influence that might affect the runners. This applies to weather conditions, natural disasters, people or vehicles on the course, or anything unexpected that might distract participants.
Organisers can and may:
disqualify and stop any participant not wearing or carrying the appropriate clothing or otherwise insufficiently equipped for the conditions.
disqualify any participant causing danger to oneself and/or others.
disqualify anyone who does not comply with the race rules
The organisers are not responsible for illnesses or injuries suffered by participants when traveling to or from the race or during the race. Participants are encouraged to seek assistance from race staff in the event of an accident or illness.
Participants are always fully responsible for actions taken, even when receiving assistance from members of the race staff.
The organisers of Súlur Vertical reserve the right to cancel the race at short notice for reasons relating to natural disasters, severe weather conditions, pandemic or other unforeseeable conditions that may present danger for participants and race staff.
Participants who consider that their rights have been infringed may lodge a complaint with the organisers.
Any complaint must be received in writing by the race director, within 45 minutes from the time the participants involved finish the race.
Complaints relating to the overall results in the men’s and women’s races must be received no later than one hour after the last runner finishes the race.
The race director rules the case on site, after consulting with the ones involved.
* The organisers reserve the right to change the regulations without notice if needed.